Monday, February 25, 2008

really really shrinking and friday better hurry

ok. 121 lbs gone.

this is freaking me out.

my primary doc says i need to shoot for 150-155 for my height to be at a healthy weight. ok. so, that's like less than 25lbs away. and it is coming off FAST. i lost 6 in this past week.

luckily, i have an appointment with my surgeon this friday. the 6 month out appointment. first time seeing him in 3 months. i have LOTS of questions. like, when does the weight loss stop? how does the body know? does the body know to stop??

i'm afraid, and never thought i'd say this, that i might lose too much. i never asked about the stopping of the weight loss because frankly i thought that i wouldn't even lose all i wanted to. so this was never a question on my mind. laughable?? kinda. but a little scary at this point.

i am doing lots at the gym and lots at the yoga studio. i guess i have to up the food intake. i'm hoping to hear i will have more options to try now. like broccoli, asparagus, LETTUCES (oh please let me have a salad, PLEASE!) because i'm just dying for more stuff. i have a lot of food questions. so, i'm looking forward to friday.

not so much looking forward to tomorrow when i have to go get bloodwork done.